5 Open-Ended Questions for Powerful Supporter Visits

Preparing for supporter visits can be a complicated task for nonprofit leaders. How should we approach the relationship? What if we don’t know them very well? Why do they give to us?

Recently, Our Co-Founder, Jon DeLange was on a call with a great development director coaching client who used these 5 questions and a simple relationship tracker to transform the way his Chief Executive Officer is handling key supporter relationships.

“Jon, he’s getting on the phone with supporters that he’s never talked to before!”

Not surprisingly, this client just reached full capacity for their President’s weekend in July, and secured a 2024 matching opportunity that is twice the size they’ve ever had before.

Jason Lewis shares these 5 question themes in his book “The War for Fundraising Talent” and encourages nonprofits to use them in face to face visits. 

  1. What is your VISION for our organization in the next five to ten years?
  2. How is our organization meeting or not meeting your EXPECTATIONS?
  3. How would you describe your CONFIDENCE in our board, our CEO, and our strategic plan?
  4. In addition to your SUPPORT of our organization, what other organizations do you love to support?
  5. What ONE THING would you like us to be aware of?

Asking several of these 5 questions helped this client identify the giving motivations of their largest donor, and they also asked her how she liked to be asked (this bonus question comes courtesy from Kent Stroman’s outstanding book, “Asking about Asking“). She let them know that she has a wealth event coming up in 2024, and that they should reach out in a specific month after that transaction finishes.

Development is simple, but not easy. These questions take courage.

Simplify your fundraising

If you’d like to explore growing your fundraising and marketing results, begin by establishing a plan to effectively raise more money for your nonprofit organization. Have questions? Reach out on LinkedIn or send our team an email.

Headshot of Jon Delange

Jon DeLange

Ever felt stuck “doing what we’ve always done” and hoping for fundraising results? When I was hired at 21 as the Director of Development of a $1M nonprofit, I found myself dropped into this environment. I was worried that if we didn’t see growth, the mission would be in trouble… Now, Evan and I help nonprofits and ministries unlock growth through fundraising strategy and coaching that combines the power of clear messaging with insightful data and planning.
A volunteer preparing to use the storybrand framework to upgrade his website

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