45+ Nonprofit Websites That Master the Art of Storytelling

The growing importance of an effective website for nonprofits

In today’s digital age, a website is often the first impression volunteers, donors, and community members have of your nonprofit organization. Unfortunately, grassroots nonprofits often face limited budgets, a never-ending to-do list, and so many other factors that push their leaders to prioritize other initiatives over their websites.

On the other hand, global nonprofits with large teams and an even larger list of programs find themselves in a fight for simplicity and clarity. For sizeable organizations, there’s increased pressure on their website to do everything—fundraising campaigns, donation processing, product promotions, service offerings, career opportunities, and this list goes on and on. And regardless of your budget or where you find your nonprofit or church on this spectrum, the reality is your website needs to be effective.

How nonprofits can harness the power of StoryBrand to build an effective website

Your website plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining donors, volunteers, and supporters. It’s the first point of contact they have with your organization. This means the message you present needs to be clear and compelling. This is where the StoryBrand framework can help.

It’s a simple, powerful tool to distill everything you do into a brand story that resonates with your ideal audience. So, how should nonprofit professionals use StoryBrand when building their website?

First, too many organizations and marketing agencies create dynamic website designs that look amazing—and only then give thought to what should be said on those sites afterward. This approach is completely backward.

Start with a clear message (a la StoryBrand) to inform what you write (compelling copy), and then pull it all together with a dynamic design that brings it all to life.

That being said, it’s still difficult at times to start from scratch with no example or inspiration. As a StoryBrand Certified Guide, Jon DeLange and I not only work with nonprofit clients to build strategic fundraising plans, but can also assist with creating a donor-focused message and website too. The blog below details some of my favorite nonprofit website examples that introduce the power of storytelling to call donors to action.

See a tangible ROI from your nonprofit website

Ready to use StoryBrand to improve your website and raise more money from donors? Our strategic fundraising plans will help you do just that. Choose from our three different options here to get started.

Headshot of Evan Cox

Evan Cox

For more than fifteen years, I have served businesses, nonprofits, churches, and the leaders who guide them. Whether serving on staff at internationally-renowned nonprofits or running a coffee company in Southeast Asia, my work has taken me around the globe. Today, I work alongside organizations as a StoryBrand Certified Guide, so that they communicate the right message and then infuse it throughout all their marketing–from strategy and copy to websites and fundraising.

Summit Ministries Case Study

See how this nonprofit exceeded their fundraising goals by by $1.25M and grew their active donor base by 25%.